maybe this one is a bit too sad.
i see him everyday through the window on my way to work. His wife is always on the balcony, good morning and good evening me. i couldn't help knocking on their door and asking if i can take their picture. I don't really know why.
duuude. wow.
c'est donc lui... hello sad-parking-man!
you photos are beautiful
it is a confronting image, and the sad reality of getting older.
at least they have each other
The picture is indeed a quite sad one. Hope soon there becomes a cure for old age!
i don't find it sad at all. i find it hardwarming that this man obviously is taken care of, that he is not freezing, and slumbering peacefully... if that's how it should be for me, it's ok... there are worse ways of getting old, i tell you...
Tobias Weihmann you are so so so right..
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